Reliable Senior Safety
Reliable, Health and Safety with Atigo Senior Alert system

Reliable Senior Safety

Seniors can rely on Atigo Alert system and 24×7 monitoring service to provide safety and security alerts in times of emergency and stay connected to the loved ones at all times. Whether is a fall, break in or any other safety and security situation Atigo services will provide instant alert anywhere across the world.
Reliable Senior Safety
Panic Button

Emergency Panic Button

Atigo Emergency Panic button is a personal safety device which can be worn by the user at all the times.

Atigo 24x7 Live Emergency Monitoring Service

24 x 7 monitoring service

Atigo’s 24/7 emergency monitoring service means you have backup when an alarm is triggered with the best trained monitory officers ready to respond and guide you through an emergency. If you can’t be reached, we’ll contact all your emergency response contacts and make sure that the incidence is safely addressed.

Zero Fuss Installation
Atigo provides professional installation services for home. We understand your unique needs, create custom solution and install Atigo smart security system for your home. Our certified experts will provide complete training to for you to get best security coverage for you home.